Dear Lihui,

>?performing calulation of frequency and zero point
> energy of CO2 molecule. However, unfortunately, I have
> obtained?negative frequency.

> there are several possible reseaons: 

Well, you did not include one more reason counting them: 
there is a physical reason for this as you consider  CO2 molecule (the linear 
chain). Obviously, its physical properties do not change if you rotate it 
fixing C atom in the cell center. This might lead to negative frequencies. 

If you like to consider CO2 as a molecule you should use the Gamma point only 
(i.e. you consider CO2 in a big box).

> In addition, I intend to calculate the zero point
> energy of system by PHNONS code, but it does not give the
> zero point energy and other thermodynamics properties in
> output file. How could I do? I need your help
> urgently.

PH code itself does not calculate these properties. 
You can try download the QHA code from If some troubles with 
this, please let me know.

>  I need your help urgently.
Please keep in mind our forum consists of volunteers and nobody is oblidged to 
give you urgent reply.

P.S. Can you please show eigendisplacements? 

Prof. Eyvaz Isaev, 
Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys, 
Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University, 
Condensed Matter Theory Group, Uppsala University, Sweden 
Eyvaz.Isaev at, isaev at, eyvaz_isaev at


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