I checked the code of bands_FS.f90, and found like this:

        read(12,*) n_start, n_last
        read(12,*) E_fermi
        read(12,*) sysname
        read(12,*) na,nb, nc
        read(12,*) x(1),x(2),x(3)
        read(12,*) y(1),y(2),y(3)
        read(12,*) z(1),z(2),z(3)
So I am just wondering whether it can work well, if you change your input file 
name as "input_FS", and run only by the command bands_FS.x < CWrium.fs.in > 
CWrium.fs.out, where CWrium.fs.in is a nscf calculation input file with the 
K_Points obtained by kvec_FS.x.
The more ditailed process is in example 08.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2012-03-02 11:08:12,"Chan-Woo Lee" <cwandtj at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear QE developers and users,


I am trying to get Fermi surface using kvecs_FS.x and bands_FS.x. I have 
followed example08 and have succeeded to get K-points using kvecs_FS.x. 
However, I got following error message when I execute bands_FS.x:


At line 230 of file bands_FS.f90

Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 13 of list input


Line 230 of bands_FS.f90 is about reading spin-up energies?. But I have no idea 
why the code is not working. FYI, I added my input files for kvecs_FS.x and 




0.317093  0.00  0.00

0.00  0.317093  0.00

0.00  0.00  0.317093

12  12  12





10 14



12 12 12

0.317093  0.00  0.00

0.00  0.317093  0.00

0.00  0.00  0.317093


Here, 10 14 are min. and max. band no. (no. of bands for my SCF calc. is 20), 
and 22.8158 is Fermi energy.


Again, your help will truly be appreciated. I cc?ed Dr. Eyvaz Isaev who is the 
author of the two codes.







Chan-Woo Lee, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
231 South 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
Phone: 1-215-898-3564 (Office)

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