On Nov 27, 2007, at 18:56 , ramesh kumar wrote:

> checking for Fortran name-mangling scheme... lower case,  
> underscore, extra underscore

go to include/c_defs.h . There should be two lines:

#define F77_FUNC(name,NAME) name ## _
#define F77_FUNC_(name,NAME) name ## __

remove the second underscore. Not sure why, it looks like
configure doesn't get the correct number of underscores to
add (note that all missing symbols have one underscore in
the name; some genius has decided that they deserve one
more at the end, go figure why)
Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Physics, University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

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