Dear QS users
I want to use B3LYP which is hybrid functional. As I saw in the mailing list, I 
have to consider two points 

1- using input_dft='B3LYP' in the &system 

2 - using norm-conserving PPs. 

But the problem is that QE don't have any norm-conserving PPs for Cu, Ca, and 
O. Therefore I tried to use fhi2upf.x for converting Abinit PPs to QE. I did 
following steps and finally the program give me PP while several parameters are 
zero in the PPs such as Rcut, Rcut US, and E pseu. Furthermore, I couldn't use 
it in the calculation.? ? 
I attached several lines of PPs for Cu 

Is it Ok or wrong?
Best wishes


1)? /home/........../espresso-4.3.2/upftools/fhi2upf.x
2) Input file >? Cu.GGA.fhi 

3) Confirm or modify l max, l loc (read:? 3? 0) > 2 04) Wavefunction # 1: label 
(e.g. 4s), occupancy > 4S, 2
?? Wavefunction # 2: label (e.g. 4s), occupancy > 3D, 9
?? Wavefunction # 3: label (e.g. 4s), occupancy > 4p, 0

Pseudopotential successfully converted
Output PP file in UPF format :? Cu.GGA.fhi.UPF? 
<UPF version="2.0.1">
??? Generated using Fritz-Haber code
??? Author: Author: unknown
??? Generation date: Generation date: as well
??? Pseudopotential type: SL
??? Element: Cu
??? Functional: PBE

??? Suggested minimum cutoff for wavefunctions:?? 0. Ry
??? Suggested minimum cutoff for charge density:?? 0. Ry
??? The Pseudo was generated with a Non-Relativistic Calculation
??? L component and cutoff radius for Local Potential:? 0?? 0.0000

??? Valence configuration: 
??? nl pn? l?? occ?????? Rcut??? Rcut US?????? E pseu
??? 4S? 4? 0? 2.00????? 0.000????? 0.000???? 0.000000
??? 3D? 3? 2? 9.00????? 0.000????? 0.000???? 0.000000
??? 4p? 4? 1? 0.00????? 0.000????? 0.000???? 0.000000

??? Generation configuration: not available.
??? Comment:
??? copper, fhi98PP : Trouiller-Martins-type, GGA Perdew/Burke/Ernzerhof 
(1996), l=
? </PP_INFO>
? <!--?????????????????????????????? -->
? <!--?????????????????????????????? -->
? <PP_HEADER generated="Generated using Fritz-Haber code"
???????????? author="Author: unknown"
???????????? date="Generation date: as well"
???????????? comment="copper, fhi98PP : Trouiller-Martins-type, GGA 
Perdew/Burke/Ernzerhof (1996), l="
???????????? element="Cu"
???????????? pseudo_type="SL"
???????????? relativistic="no"
???????????? is_ultrasoft="F"
???????????? is_paw="F"
???????????? is_coulomb="F"
???????????? has_so="F"
???????????? has_wfc="F"
???????????? has_gipaw="F"
???????????? paw_as_gipaw="F"
???????????? core_correction="F"
???????????? functional="PBE"
???????????? z_valence="1.100000000000000E+001"
???????????? total_psenergy="0.000000000000000E+000"
???????????? wfc_cutoff="0.000000000000000E+000"
???????????? rho_cutoff="0.000000000000000E+000"
???????????? l_max="2"
???????????? l_max_rho="0"
???????????? l_local="0"
???????????? mesh_size="525"
???????????? number_of_wfc="3"
???????????? number_of_proj="2"/>
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