Actually, the standard of convergency for cut-off energy is not how much dE the 
system gained, but whether dE/dCut is near to 0 enough. Definitely, such a 
threahold, for dE/dCut, is also determined by yourself.
The example from you was too extreme. Thinking about 100Ry as step, your result 
are too rough to hold the slope information. But when 10^(-5)Ry was using, even 
though it should give the very fine dE/dCut information as well, the results 
may be not good due to the accuracy of DFT, numerical methods, and computer 
limitation ( please consider the length of float and double float variable ).
P.S.: Therefore, I think such question is not the one of sci. & tech. rather 
than your thinking method. This may be the reason that no person reply such a 
post in emuch.

CMC Lab, Materials Science & Engineering Department,
Seoul National University, South Korea

At 2011-12-13 15:43:04,"??" <ptao10b at> wrote:
>Dear all,
>I've asked sevral people about the convergence criteria of Ecutrho test. They 
>point out that the convergence will be achieved when the difference between 
>two adjacent scf calculation is smaller than 0.1 meV. However, they are not 
>very sure about the step length. From my view, the step length may pose huge 
>effects on our calculation. Consider the cases of step lengths are 100 Ry and 
>0.00001Ry respectively, the latter will be convergent immediately while the 
>former will not be so fast.
>For the resons above, I'm really confused now. And could any nice guy show me 
>the strict judgement of the convergence for Ecutrho? Thank you very much!
>Plato Tao
>PH.D. candidate Peng Tao 
>Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Division
>National Laboratory for Material Science
>Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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