Dear Bertrand,

Bertrand SITAMTZE wrote:
> I found that somebody got the same problem in 2007. See the link:
> I went through the forum and I didn't got any solution.

Did you mean that you already posted on the xcrysden users forum and got no 
solution? I 
think that the correct forum to search for a solution to your problem is the 
mailing list, although many people from the QE community uses xcrysden.

You can subscribe (and then post) to the xcrysden forum through this link:

In order to help the troubleshooting you should give more details (version of 
the program, 
static binaries or compiled by yourself, on which HW/SW, ...).



> Thanking for any help
> ************************
> Bertrand SITAMTZE
> PhD student
> Department of Physics
> University of Yaounde
>  I-Cameroon
> *************************
> --- En date de : *Mar 1.9.09, Lorenzo Paulatto /<paulatto at>/* a 
> ?crit :
>     De: Lorenzo Paulatto <paulatto at>
>     Objet: Re: [Pw_forum] Re : Re:Pseudopotential for Li
>     ?: "PWSCF Forum" <pw_forum at>
>     Date: Mardi 1 Septembre 2009, 12h16
>     In data 01 settembre 2009 alle ore 12:11:33, Bertrand SITAMTZE 
>     <siyouber at </mc/compose?to=siyouber at>> ha scritto:
>      > Please, I would like you to help with the section concerning the
>     1 1S, 2 
>      > 2S and 2 2P reference states. I mean, what should I put in the
>     following 
>      > section?
>     That's exactly what I told you in the other email: you need two
>     reference 
>     wavefunction per value of l
>     e.g. you could do something like this:
>     5
>     1S  1  0  2.00   0.00   0.75000000000      1.10000000000
>     2S  2  0  0.80   0.00   0.75000000000      1.10000000000
>     2S  2  0  0.00   0.10   0.75000000000      1.10000000000
>     2P  2  1  0.20   0.00   0.75000000000      1.10000000000
>     2P  2  1  0.00   0.10   0.75000000000      1.10000000000
>     for the second reference (that one that does not have the eigenvalue 
>     energy) occupation must be zero. The reference energy (in my example
>     0.10) 
>     has to be chosen by testing and error; it will likely be in the range 
>     -0.20 to 1.0
>     best regards
>     -- 
>     Lorenzo Paulatto
>     SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS (Trieste)
>     phone: +39 040 3787 511
>     skype: paulatz
>     www:
>     <>
>          *** save italian brains ***
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| Gabriele Sclauzero, PhD Student                  |
| c/o:   SISSA & CNR-INFM Democritos,              |
|        via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy)     |
| email: sclauzer at                         |
| phone: +39 040 3787 511                          |
| skype: gurlonotturno                             |
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