Forwarding e-mail from Emine. So I guess it may be a compatibility issue.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [Pw_forum] problem with charge density with xcrysden
Date:   Fri, 11 Sep 2009 03:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
From:   e kb <>
To:     sclauzer at

The old version of xcrysden that i had didnt work with this line :
but with this one:

I am not up to date on this but you can check it.
emine kucukbenli, SISSA, Italy


o ------------------------------------------------ o
| Gabriele Sclauzero, PhD Student                  |
| c/o:   SISSA & CNR-INFM Democritos,              |
|        via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy)     |
| email: sclauzer at                         |
| phone: +39 040 3787 511                          |
| skype: gurlonotturno                             |
o ------------------------------------------------ o

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