Dear Pieremanuele

Pieremanuele Canepa wrote:
> Dear all ,
> my question for today is: How does the restart work in PWscf when in a
> vc-relax job?
> Once activated the restart, as restart_mode = 'restart', in the
> control section, will PWscf read either the last wave function and the
> last geometry or just the last density?

I don't know much about specificity of vc-relax, but in general when restarting 
pwscf the 
atomic configuration will be read from file (see in 
as well as 
the wavefuntions and charge density from the last iteration of the previous run 
(if the 
files are availalable).
If using wfc_extrapolation and pot_extrapolation, perhaps also older wfcs and 
older rho 
from previous run will be read from file.

> Would it possible to restart a job from the previous geometry instead
> of the the wave function? 

You can avoid the wavefunction to be read specifying startingwfc='atomic' (or 
removing/renaming the file). The code will use a superposition of atomic 
wavefunctions to 
build the initial guess (as for the first iteration of a run "from_scratch"), 
but this 
will require more time to perform the first iteration of the scf cycle.

> Can I do both of them?

Both what?



> All the best, Piero
> --
> Pieremanuele Canepa
> Room 104
> School of Physical Sciences, Ingram Building,
> University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent,
> CT2 7NH
> United Kingdom
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