Thank you Tone!
It works!
I supposed (wrongly) that the pwgui-logo.gif should be created...


Tone Kokalj ha scritto:
> On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 14:29 +0100, Carlo Nervi wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> perhaps it's a dumb question, but I cannot run PWgui.
>> The following packages are installed in my linux Gentoo:
>> tcl-8.4.18
>> tk-8.4.18
>> itcl-3.3-r1
>> itk-3.3-r1
>> iwidgets-4.0.1
>> If I understood correctly sources should work.
> Correct!
>> However, after typing ./pwgui I got the response below.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>>    Carlo
>>   ==================================================
>>    This is PWgui version: 4.1CVS
>>   --------------------------------------------------
>>   PWgui: using the system default "tclsh" interpreter
>>   PWGUI       : 
>> /home/nervi/src/Quantum-espresso/espresso-4.1CVS/PWgui-4.1CVS
>>   GUIB engine : 
>> /home/nervi/src/Quantum-espresso/espresso-4.1CVS/PWgui-4.1CVS/lib/Guib-0.5
>> couldn't open 
>> "/home/nervi/src/Quantum-espresso/espresso-4.1CVS/PWgui-4.1CVS/images/pwgui-logo.gif":
>> no such file or directory
> Which actually means it works, but one image file is missing in tgz.
> You may fix it as:
> cd /home/nervi/src/Quantum-espresso/espresso-4.1CVS/PWgui-4.1CVS/images/ 
> ln -s pwgui-logo-small.gif pwgui-logo.gif
> Thanks for reporting this bug.
> Regards, Tone

Carlo Nervi carlo.nervi at Tel:+39 011 6707507/8
Fax: +39 011 6707855   -   Dipartimento di Chimica IFM
via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy

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