Dear Mansoureh,

A better way to put the graphs into WORD is to first convert the eps
file into png (or other format like jpg. Personally I prefer png for its
small file size and lossless compression). To do this, if you are
Windows user, Photoshop will work fine. If you use Linux, GIMP can also
perform this conversion easily. If you would like to use commands, you
may install Imagemagick. Then type, for example,

convert -density 300 input.eps output.png

300 is the width resolution in dpi. If you omit this, you turn out to
have a low resolution png like what you saw before.

On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 07:50 +0330, Mansoureh Pashangpour wrote:
> Dear all
> I am using gnuplot to plot DOS plots,but when I make its output as a
> postscript file and then use it to make its pdf and send it to
> word.doc ,its resolution decreases.Does anyone a good sugesstion to
> solve this problem? 
> good luck
> Mansoureh
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