Dear QE users,
The kpoint of my job is set to 1*1*10, so I run gipaw.x in parallel mode
by :
mpirun -np 160 gipaw.x -npool 5 <input>output
The calculation was done on cluster, each node contain 8 processors.
It can't finished after 20 hours.
But when I run it on single node by:
mpirun -np 8 gipaw.x <input>output
Each kpoint calculation only need 4h30min and takes 24h in total.
Is there any thing wrong?

Thank you.
Pengju Ren
renpj at
State  Key Laboratory of Catalysis, 
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, 
Chinese Academy of Sciences 
457 zhongshan Road, Dalian, 116023, P.R. China  

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