*.fc is generated from dynamics matrics by q2r.x.
The script in examples just organizes several programs, matdyn.x, 
k_for_bands.x, bands_to_gnuplot.x and E_min_max.x, working one by one with 
certain data exchanging.
Through pw.x and ph.x, you can just obtain dynamics matrics.

CMC Lab, MSE, SNU, Seoul, S.Korea

At 2011-11-21 15:32:17,W2AGZ <w2agz at w2agz.com> wrote:

To All (especially Eyvas),


Are the input scripts used to generate the .fc files for the two Al examples 
and Fe from pw.x and ph.x available?


Thanks, -Paul


Paul Michael Grant, PhD

Physicist and Science Writer

Senior Life Fellow, American Physical Society

Fellow, Institute of Physics, United Kingdom

Staff Associate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (2011)

Visiting Scholar, Applied Physics, Stanford (2005-2008)

EPRI Science Fellow (Retired)

IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus

Principal, W2AGZ Technologies

w2agz at w2agz.com






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