Dear Wu,

Il giorno 24/nov/2011, alle ore 12.44, WF ha scritto:

> Hello everyone,
>          I am doing a vc-relax calculation with PBE+D ( with .london. = true 
> and PBE functional). In the output, an additional part called ?Dispersion 
> forces acting on atoms? is displayed after ?Total forces acting on atoms? 
> after each BFGS cycle. Do the values in total force part already include 
> dispersion forces ? I am not sure with what I read from the codes.

What have you read from the codes?

If you read inside PW/forces.f90 you will find:

        IF ( llondon ) force(ipol,na) = force(ipol,na) + force_disp(ipol,na)

The "dispersion force" is added to the total force (before printing), therefore 
what you find in the output does actually include also the dispersion 
contribution that is printed separately. 

Indeed I think it may be a bit misleading to print by default that 
contribution, while for all other cases (e.g. Hubbard U and similar) this is 
done only with verbosity="high".

> Thanks very much.

You're welcome,


> ------------------------------------
> Wu F,
> College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University.
> ------------------------------------
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