Dear Jun Liu
Please read the
$ yourQE/examples/EXX_example/README file


Giuseppe Mattioli

Quoting Jun Liu <jun.physics at>:

> Dear All,
> I downloaded the latest QE and found that "exact exchange (HF) and hybrid
> functionals (PBE0, B3LYP, HSE)" can be done. But in the code "setup.f90"
> there are several lines of code saying:
> #if ! defined (EXX)
>   IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
>                          'HYBRID XC not implemented in PWscf', 1 )
> #else
>   IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) THEN
>      IF (.NOT. lscf) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
>                          'HYBRID XC not allowed in non-scf calculations', 1
> )
>      IF ( okvan .OR. okpaw ) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
>                          'HYBRID XC not implemented for USPP or PAW', 1 )
>   END IF
> #endif
> I then am confused. It seems that if exx_fraction is set nonzero, then
> setup will complain "HYBRID XC not implemented in PWscf"
> Thanks for clarification.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Jun

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