Dear Wang, Di:
     In addition to the two important points mentioned by prof. P. Giannozzi 
(about E_cut and the un-compatiblility between GGA and lraman=.true.), Maybe 
other things need notion:
(1) You can try to use the R&G division as the parallel scheme and increase the 
No. of cpus (e.g. 16) in order to decrease the memory in each cpu. Maybe it is 
caused by using too much memory in each cpu. 
(2) Maybe it is due to the un-stability of the computer, which has some 
problems these days. And the administrators are testing and checking it now. 

Best Wishes!

Yours Sincerely
L. F. Huang

> From: Wang Di 
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] error in the Raman calculation
> To: PWSCF Forum 
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear Huang:
> Thanks for your advices, the input file for energy calculation was shown as:
>                  calculation = 'scf' ,
>                 restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
>                   wf_collect = .true. ,
>                       outdir = '/lustre/AIOFM/gxgu/workLBO/11/temp/' ,
>                       wfcdir = '/lustre/AIOFM/gxgu/workLBO/11/wftemp/' ,
>                   pseudo_dir = '/home/AIOFM/gxgu/work/uspp/' ,
>                       prefix = 'LBO' ,
>                etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-7 ,
>                forc_conv_thr = 5.0D-2 ,
>                      tstress = .true. ,
>                      tprnfor = .true. ,
>  /
>                        ibrav = 0,
>                    celldm(1) = 15.9630,
>                          nat = 36,
>                         ntyp = 3,
>                      ecutwfc = 80 ,
>                      ecutrho = 640 ,
>                        nosym = .false. ,
>  /
>                     conv_thr = 1.0D-9 ,
>  /
>    0.968417930   0.000008220   0.000000000
>   -0.000005879   0.856162463   0.000000000
>    0.000000000   0.000000000   0.613950243
>    Li    6.94100  03-LiLi.GGA.fhi.UPF
>     O   15.99940  08-O.GGA.fhi.UPF
>     B   10.81100  05-B.GGA.fhi.UPF
> Li       0.082821278   0.067806279   0.948582148
> B        0.008644463   0.666273464   0.809922417
> B        0.197294156   0.441784814   0.008058571
> B        0.155739762   0.749209155   0.189233598
> O        0.084188233   0.501390357   0.808062459
> O        0.119101858   0.290584988   0.153101264
> O        0.058556173   0.801638318   0.983200264
> O        0.257341210   0.090263679   0.689863953
> O        0.845428098   0.125089922   0.885073710
> Li       0.917178722   0.932193721   0.448582148
> Li       0.417178778   0.567806424   0.448582105
> Li       0.582821222   0.432193576   0.948582105
> B        0.991355537   0.333726536   0.309922417
> B        0.491356393   0.166273487   0.309923250
> B        0.508643607   0.833726513   0.809923250
> B        0.802705844   0.558215186   0.508058571
> B        0.302705547   0.941784902   0.508059313
> B        0.697294453   0.058215098   0.008059313
> B        0.844260238   0.250790845   0.689233598
> B        0.344259353   0.249207532   0.689232645
> B        0.655740647   0.750792468   0.189232645
> O        0.915811767   0.498609643   0.308062459
> O        0.415811668   0.001389936   0.308062790
> O        0.584188332   0.998610064   0.808062790
> O        0.880898142   0.709415012   0.653101264
> O        0.380897985   0.790585065   0.653102289
> O        0.619102015   0.209414935   0.153102289
> O        0.941443827   0.198361682   0.483200264
> O        0.441444659   0.301638282   0.483200151
> O        0.558555341   0.698361718   0.983200151
> O        0.742658790   0.909736321   0.189863953
> O        0.242658711   0.590262750   0.189863988
> O        0.757341289   0.409737250   0.689863988
> O        0.154571902   0.874910078   0.385073710
> O        0.654572278   0.625088537   0.385075084
> O        0.345427722   0.374911463   0.885075084
> K_POINTS automatic
>   4 4 4   0 0 0
> the input file for the phonon calculation was:
> phonon calculation for LBO
>                       outdir = '/lustre/AIOFM/gxgu/workLBO/11/temp/'  ,
>                       prefix = 'LBO' ,
>                       fildyn = 'LBO_IR.dynG' ,
>                      fildrho = 'LBO_IR.drho' ,
>                        trans = .true.,
>                        epsil = .true.,
>                       lraman = .true.,
>                     amass(1) = 6.9410,
>                     amass(2) = 15.99940,
>                     amass(3) = 10.81100,
>                       tr2_ph = 1.0d-12 ,
>  /
> 0.0 0.0 0.0
> the number of node used was 1 , cup was 8.  The same calculation have been
> tested with difference parameters for some times, however, each calculation
> was terminated in self-consistent calculation of different representation.
> I don't know if the error is caused by my poor input parameter?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Best Wishes !
> Wang
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> *Wang Di**
> The Crystal Lab,*
> *AnHui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, ***
> *Chinese Academy of Sciences,**
> No350. , Shushanhu Road, Hefei, 230031, China**,
> E-mail: WangDiean at** ,*
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:04:39 +0100
> From: Paolo Giannozzi 
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] error in the Raman calculation
> To: PWSCF Forum 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain
> On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 20:25 +0800, Wang Di wrote:
> >                      ecutwfc = 80 ,
> >                      ecutrho = 640 ,
> you shouldn't specify a value for ecutrho different from 80*4 = 320
> unless you have ultrasoft pseudopotentials ..
> >    Li    6.94100  03-LiLi.GGA.fhi.UPF 
> >     O   15.99940  08-O.GGA.fhi.UPF 
> >     B   10.81100  05-B.GGA.fhi.UPF 
> ...which you do not have, and in any case...
> >                       lraman = .true.,
> ...are not impolemented for Raman calculations
> P.
> -- 
> Paolo Giannozzi, IOM-Democritos and University of Udine, Italy

L.F.Huang(???) DFT and phonon physics
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