Dear Jennifer,

For that large supercell, I think gamma point is enough.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Wohlwend,      Jennifer L CTR USAF AFMC
AFRL/RXBT <Jennifer.Wohlwend.ctr at> wrote:
> I?m trying to perform geometry optimization of some clusters and they are
> running extremely slow. For example a TiO2 anatase cluster of only 12 atoms
> has completed only a few self-consistent iterations after ~3 hours. I know I
> must be doing something wrong but I?ve not been able to spot it yet. For the
> TiO2 system, my input is as follows:
> ?????????????????????? title = Ti_relax ,
> ???????????????? calculation = 'relax' ,
> ??????????????? restart_mode = 'restart' ,
> ????????????????????? outdir = './' ,
> ????????????????????? wfcdir = './' ,
> ????????????????? pseudo_dir = '/hafs15/jen7182/espresso/pseudo/' ,
> ???????????????? lkpoint_dir = .true. ,
> ?????????????? etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
> ?????????????? forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-6 ,
> ?????????????????????? nstep = 120 ,
> ???????????????????? tstress = .true. ,
> ???????????????????? tprnfor = .true. ,
> ????????????????????? lberry = .false. ,
> ?/
> ?????????????????????? ibrav = 1,
> ?????????????????? celldm(1) = 50.0000000,
> ???????????????????????? nat = 12,
> ??????????????????????? ntyp = 2,
> ???????????????????? ecutwfc = 55 ,
> ???????????????????? ecutrho = 500 ,
> ???????????????? occupations = 'smearing' ,
> ???????????????????? degauss = 0.02D0 ,
> ??????????????????? smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
> ?/
> ??????????????????? conv_thr = 1.D-8 ,
> /
> ?&IONS
> ??????????????? ion_dynamics = 'bfgs' ,
> ? pot_extrapolation = "second_order",
> ? wfc_extrapolation = "second_order",
> ?/
> ??? Ti?? 47.87000? Ti.pw91-nsp-van.UPF
> 15.99960? O.pw91-van_ak.UPF
> Ti????? 0.019646921155? -0.032104589149 0.072982942110
> Ti????? -0.053021298671 0.015633269982? 0.132549510485
> Ti????? 0.057125188587? 0.058771047647? 0.164020158511
> Ti????? 0.110388124153? 0.105884441223? 0.244068937730
> O?????? -0.023076017443 -0.044401500581 0.131365372724
> O?????? 0.035579202732? -0.080351647885 0.029496520030
> O?????? -0.037172544158 0.018329722652? 0.066778689936
> O?????? 0.057973293750? 0.014983392566? 0.111654528302
> O?????? -0.014261394120 0.057693305910? 0.168967680139
> O?????? 0.116729745829? 0.144794684381? 0.294813978638
> O?????? 0.083638150059? 0.040575025164? 0.225871612978
> O?????? 0.091668444256? 0.117426432280? 0.178170567176
> K_POINTS automatic
> 4 4 4?? 1 1 1
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
> Thank you!
> Jennifer
> Jennifer L. Wohlwend, Ph.D.
> Thermal Sciences and Materials Branch
> Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
> Air Force Research Laboratory
> 2941 Hobson Way B654 R015
> Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7750
> Ctr: Universal Technology Corporation
> Phone: (937) 656-4918
> Email: jennifer.wohlwend.ctr at
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Jia Chen

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