Hi Paolo,

>>* the restriction is in this code
*>>*          if ( ((MOD(NINT(tot_magnetization_),2) == 0) .and. (MOD
*>>* (NINT(nelec_),2)==1)) .or.   &
*>>*               ((MOD(NINT(tot_magnetization_),2) == 1) .and. (MOD
*>>* (NINT(nelec_),2)==0))      ) &
*>>*               CALL errore(' set_nelup_neldw
*>>* ',                          &
*>>*              'tot_magnetization is inconsistent with total number
*>>* of electrons ', 2 )
>in the new version, this restriction (now a warning, no longer an
>error) applies only if the
>number of electrons is integer and if the magnetization is integer.
>For noninteger charge
>or magnetization, it doesn't make sense.

In fact, increasing the k-point sampling, the unrestricted calculation
converges towards
0 total magnetization, with a lower energy than magnetization =1, but
setting tot_magnetization=0, or 0.1, 0.2, etc, stops due to the above
instruction in versiom 4.2.1.
This is one more reason to change to the newest version.

*You stated something in a previous post*
>The "two Fermi energies" of the constrained
>case need not to be exactly the same as the (single)
>Fermi energy of the unconstrained case, as long as the
>occupancies for spin-up and spin-down are the same in the
>two cases.

Why not? Aren't the the energies and occupations related by
the Fermi-Dirac function? I verified that the occupations are the
same, then I do not understand
why it is possible with different Fermi energies.
These are my KS energies and the occupations, using degauss=0.00019. I
think the differences are just numerical noise.

1)  tot_magnetization unset
     the Fermi energy is     6.1614 ev
!    total energy              =    -502.92571441 Ry     total
magnetization       =     1.00 Bohr mag/cell
up: 4.8593   4.8594   5.2221   5.2221   5.2222   6.1335   6.1336   6.1338

      1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000

dw: 4.8796   4.8796   5.2528   5.2530   5.2531   6.1595   6.1596   6.1596
      1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   0.6709   0.6661   0.6631

2) tot_magnetization=1
     the spin up/dw Fermi energies are     6.3853    6.1614 ev
!    total energy              =    -502.92571439 Ry     total
magnetization       =     1.00 Bohr mag/cell
up: 4.8593   4.8594   5.2221   5.2221   5.2221   6.1335   6.1337   6.1338

      1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000

dw: 4.8796   4.8796   5.2528   5.2530   5.2531   6.1595   6.1596   6.1596
      1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   0.6715   0.6660   0.6625

Finally, I plotted Energy vs magnetization. Indeed, I have a minimum
at total magnetization equal 1. However, the
behavior is strange. The plot of E vs M is linear at each side of the
minimum, with a kink at M=1. Should'n it be rather like a parable ?
Please, see the plots here



This was using gamma point fo sample the Brillouin zone. That is not
converged, using a 3x3x3 grid the lowest energy seems to be
for null magnetization (I am doing more calculations). Maybe the kinks
are due to insufficient Brillouin zone sampling.

Best regards


Eduardo Menendez
Departamento de Fisica
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Chile
Phone: (56)(2)9787439
URL: http://fisica.ciencias.uchile.cl/~emenendez
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