On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:19 PM, W2AGZ <w2agz at w2agz.com> wrote:
> To Matdyn Users:
> I?m trying to trace back some matdyn.x messages I?ve not seen before.? They
> start with:
> Message from routine matdyn:
> ???? Z* not found in file SNx.fc, TO-LO splitting at q=0 will be absent!
> ?? ??A direction for q was not specified:TO-LO splitting will be absent
> This I do understand, both the origin and the physics, and the messages
> originate from a
> call to routine infomsg.
> However, this is followed by a long list of (several hundred) lines of
> format:
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)| =? 0.014209
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)|/|d(i,j)|:? 39.5291%
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)| =? 0.014209
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)|/|d(i,j)|:? 37.8906%
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)| =? 0.014209
> ???? Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)|/|d(i,j)|:? 34.1814%
> I am unable to trace this output to source code within matdyn.f90, nor to
> various modules linked
> by the USE command.? In fact, the infomsg subroutine is contained within
> module error_handler, which
> doesn?t seem to be linked (at least directly) to matdyn.
> I suspect the above are error messages related (possibly) to
> representation/symmetry inconsistencies, but
> can anyone tell me their origin in the PWSCF code first?

[akohlmey at fermi espresso]$ find ./ -name \*.f90 -print | xargs grep -n 'Max 
./espresso/PHonon/PH/rigid.f90:272:  if ( diff > 1.d-6 ) write
(6,'(5x,"Max |d(i,j)-d*(j,i)| = ",f9.6,/,5x, &
./espresso/PHonon/PH/rigid.f90:273:       & "Max
|d(i,j)-d*(j,i)|/|d(i,j)|: ",f8.4,"%")') diff, difrel*100

is this what you are looking for?


> Thanks, -Paul
> Paul Grant, W2AGZ Technologies, JPL/CalTech Staff Associate
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Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
akohlmey at gmail.com ?http://goo.gl/1wk0

College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.

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