Thanks Eric and Hongsheng for the discussion!

Can I also have your comments on this "common tangent" concept in first
order phase transitions? Is it applicable for my case?

And how can I use phonon calculations to help me find the phase transition?
I've heard about some "mode softening", but I am not sure how it can be used
in this context? Could you refer me to some article explaining the theory
behind this

Thanks again

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Hongsheng Zhao <zhaohscas at>wrote:

> On 07/19/2011 06:49 PM, Eric Germaneau wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 07/18/2011 10:45 AM, Hongsheng Zhao wrote:
> >> On 07/19/2011 09:23 AM, Eric Germaneau wrote:
> >>> Hey Amin,
> >>>
> >>> The approach you proposed is ok but you should relax the cell as well.
> >>> By keeping the cell fix the system does not feel the pressure you wish
> >>> to apply.
> >> Not so clear about the meaning of this sentence, could you please give
> >> some more explanations? ;-(
> > Under pressure keeping the unit cell fix is useless since the system
> > won't feel it.
> > It just makes sense.
> > So, if you wish to see the effect of the pressure you have to perform
> > vc-relax calculation.
> > Take it that way, in thermodynamic you have 2 important ensembles,
> > isochoric and isobaric.
> > So either the volume is fix and you get out the corresponding pressure,
> > or the pressure is fix and you get out the corresponding volume.
> > Note that the volume of gas for instance decreases inversely
> > proportionally to pressure.
> > The pressure is the intensive variable related to the volume (extensive).
> > You simply can not have both of them constant at the same time.
> Yes, you're right.  I'm so sorry for my previous misleading posts on
> this thread.  Thanks again.
> > Hope it helps.
> >>
> >>> You can also change the volume, relax the positions only and compute
> the
> >>> pressure.
> >>> The best is to compute the free energy as function of pressure ans so
> >>> the QHA method is the best way to go.
> >> I think this method cann't do the job of structure-searching-and-finding
> >> for unknown phases when we changing the external pressure.
> > Yes, it can but in the case of structure-searching it's very expensive.
> > In that case you'd better generate random unit cell parameters, random
> > positions and run vc-relax.
> > Even this can be expensive since you have to do it a lot of times ....
> > Just take a look to this papers, PRL 97 1 (2006)
> > <> and JPCM 23
> > 053201 (2011)
> > <
> >.
> > It is the main work of Professor Pickard
> > <
> >.
> > Best.
> Thanks a lot for this information ;-)
> Regards
> >
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >>> Note that at first you can ignore the thermal effect and compute the
> >>> free energy from a regular phonon calculations.
> >>> I'm also very interested in such calculations but don't have
> experiences
> >>> doing this by mean of first principal calculations.
> --
> Hongsheng Zhao <zhaohscas at>
> School of Physics and Electrical Information Science,
> Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China
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Amin Torabi
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*The* University *of* Western Ontario
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