

I'm trying to use plot_num = 3 to image the metal induced gap states in a
metal/insulator heterostructure and what I'm getting doesn't make much
sense: there should be a roughly exponential decay into the insulator from
both interfaces, but I find the Fermi-level ldos in the insulator is roughly
the same as in the metal, and there are some regions in the metal where
there is essentially zero Fermi-level ldos.


Anyway, my question is: Where does the pp.x program get the value of degauss
that it uses to smear out the eigenvalues for the ldos calculation? I want
to try changing this to see what happens to the result.



J. D. Burton



J. D. Burton, Ph.D.

jdburton1 at

University of Nebraska Lincoln

Physics and Astronomy

Office Ph. (402) 472 2499

Mobile Ph. (402) 419 9918

310A Jorgensen Hall


"The job of a scientist is to generate wrong ideas as fast as possible."

-- Murray Gell-Mann


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