Hi All

I am doing spin-orbit coupling calculations. To get spin-polarized calculations 
with spin-orbit coupling mentioned in the input for scf,?? lspinorb=.true.,
??? noncolin=.true.,
??? starting_magnetization(1)=0.5,
??? starting_magnetization(2)=0.5,
After this scf calculations I am doing the nscf calculation and finally the 
density of states and partial density of states. What I expect is it should 
give me both up and down spin DOS separately but I didnt get that. usually for 
calculations without spin-orbit coupling I mention nspin=2 in the input and get 
spin polarized results with both up and down spin density of states given 
separately which can be plotted. Please suggest what to do?

?Thanking in advance,

Padmaja Patnaik
Research Scholar
Dept of Physics
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, India
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