save some data from the self-consistent calculations. Is this
data-saving flag equivalent to the previous way of computing the el-ph
coupling with a second very dense non self-consistent mesh? In the case
of not being equivalent, how small are the differences?

On another ground, are displaced Monkhorst-Pack grids compatible with
electron phonon calculations? I'd say no, since the displacement is grid
dependent, and this wouldn't assure that k+q falls in a point in fine k.
Any comments?

Thanks in advance,


Miguel Mart=EDnez Canales
Dto. F=EDsica de la Materia Condensada
Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnolog=EDa
Apdo. 644
48080 Bilbao (Spain)
Fax:  +34 94 601 3500
Tlf:  +34 94 601 5437

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GPLv2'd software for your evil plans to
take over the world"

Linus Torvalds

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