Dear all
I do a calculation of the density of states of non-magnetic FeRh, looking in 
the file. ** scf.out I found:
???? the Fermi energy is??? 14.7785 ev

!??? total energy????????????? =???? -99.87320782 Ry
???? Harris-Foulkes estimate?? =???? -99.87320783 Ry
???? estimated scf accuracy??? <?????? 0.00000001 Ry

???? The total energy is the sum of the following terms:

???? one-electron contribution =????? 18.88928336 Ry
???? hartree contribution????? =????? 10.34598244 Ry
???? xc contribution?????????? =???? -34.00253239 Ry
???? ewald contribution??????? =???? -95.10594122 Ry
???? smearing contrib. (-TS)?? =?????? 0.00000000 Ry

???? total magnetization?????? =??? -0.00 Bohr mag/cell
???? absolute magnetization??? =???? 0.00 Bohr mag/cell

what different to that found in representative density (see attachment file)


Sakhraoui Taoufik
Ph.D student 
Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
Department of Physics
Monastir, Tunisia
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