Hi all,

I tried to do a scf calculation of C6H8 (CH2CHCHCHCHCH2) with the optimized
6 -0.331356 1.896930 0.000000
6 0.315401 3.090807 0.000000
1 -1.423469 1.885035 0.000000
1 -0.225850 4.033166 0.000000
1 1.402796 3.149961 0.000000
6 0.331356 0.596764 0.000000
6 -0.331356 -0.596764 0.000000
1 1.423645 0.599232 0.000000
6 0.331356 -1.896930 0.000000
1 -1.423645 -0.599232 0.000000
6 -0.315401 -3.090807 0.000000
1 1.423469 -1.885035 0.000000
1 0.225850 -4.033166 0.000000
1 -1.402796 -3.149961 0.000000
I have changed the mixing beta several times and also adjusted some
coordinates to break symmetry, but the calculation still cannot converge.
What else should I pay attention to?

*Liu, Ruibin*
Department of Chemistry
Duke University
Durham, NC, 27708
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