Dear friends,

          We are looking for excellent candidates for a Ph. D. student position 
in computational condensed matter physics. The research project will include 
the development and application of state-of-the-art condensed matter 
theoretical methods, numerical methods for investigation of material structures 
and their physical and electronic properties including magnetism, 
thermoelectricity, ultra-hardness, novel optical properties, and 
superconductivity. This research will proceed in strong collaboration with 
experimental studies with research groups at Canada's national synchrotron 
facility, the Canadian Light Source.

The position is open to all candidates who have a B. Sc./M. Sc. degree in 
physics, chemistry or related areas, with preference given to those who have 
(1) knowledge and experience with computer code development for condensed 
matter material science applications, and (2) familiarity with application of 
density-functional codes for calculation of condensed-matter electronic and 
physical properties. The expected starting date is September 2013, but early 
starting dates are also possible.

Yansun Yao

Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

University of Saskatchewan

116 Science Place, Saskatoon SK, S7N 5B2 Canada

Email: yansun.yao AT
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