Hi all,
I am trying to compute U for Mo in a molybdenum bronze, using 
Cococcioni's method. The calculation crashes. A file CRASH results with 
this content:
     task #         9
       reading namelist system

Standard output shows, after lines
      Max number of k-points (npk) =  40000
      Max angular momentum in pseudopotentials (lmaxx) =  3
      Waiting for input...
      Reading input from standard input

these lines (repeated as many times as parallel processes involved):
      Error in routine  read_namelists (17):
       reading namelist system
      stopping ...

My input file is

    title = 'a0.05'
    calculation = 'scf'
    verbosity = 'high',
    etot_conv_thr = 2.0D-6
    celldm(1)= 5.5325, celldm(2)=0.9974, celldm(3)=2.3467,
    celldm(4)=0.0, celldm(5)=0.0009076, celldm(6)=-0.49868442,
    nat= 24, ntyp= 4,
    ecutwfc=30.0, ecutrho=125.0,
    nbnd= 150, nspin=2,
    starting_magnetization(1)= 0.1,
    starting_magnetization(3)= 0.0,
    starting_magnetization(4)= 0.0,
    occupations='smearing', smearing='mp', degauss=0.01,
    lda_plus_u = .true.,
    Hubbard_U(1)=1.d-8, Hubbard_U(2)=1.d-8, # (values used in the 
previous run)
    Hubbard_alpha(1)= 0.0, # this is alpha 0 applied on atom 1 (Mo)
    Hubbard_alpha(2)= 0.05, # this is alpha, only applied on atom 2 
(also Mo)
     startingpot = 'namo6o17'  #
     startingwfc = 'namo6o17' # (the corresponding files from the 
previous run are copied in the main working directory)
     diago_thr_init = 1.59E-10  # (from the previous run)
     mixing_mode = 'plain'
     mixing_beta = 0.7
     conv_thr = 1.0d-9,
  ...(pseudopotentials for all species)
....(names and coordinates of 24 atoms)
K_POINTS automatic
4 4 4 0 0 0

?Any  hint on the cause of the problem?

Jos? C. Conesa
Instituto de Cat?lisis y Petroleoqu?mica, CSIC
Marie Curie 2, Cantoblanco
28049 Madrid - Spain
Tel. +34-915854766

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