Dear Andrea,

The new 'only_init' keyword is exactly what we needed! Thank you very much for 
this addition, I will download the SVN version and adapt my scripts to the new 

Best wishes,

Dr. Antti Karttunen
Department of Chemistry
University of Jyv?skyl?, Finland
Tel: +358-50-3473475

-----Original Message-----
From: pw_forum-bounces at [] On 
Behalf Of Andrea Dal Corso
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 7:36 PM
To: PWSCF Forum
Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] ph.x: Avoiding the recalculation of the band structure 
in distributed phonon dispersion jobs

On Mon, 2013-02-11 at 18:30 +0000, Karttunen Antti wrote:
> Dear all, 
> We are using the start_q/last_q and start_irr/last_irr keywords to execute 
> phonon dispersion jobs within a HPC grid service. The scheme works really 
> nicely and we are able to run fairly large phonon dispersion calculations 
> very efficiently. However it would be great to know if we could further 
> increase the efficiency by avoiding the recalculation of the band structure 
> at all irreps for every q.
> A concrete example: We are using a 4x4x4 q-point grid to investigate the 
> phonon dispersions of cubic silicon clathrate (FCC structure with 34 atoms in 
> the primitive cell),requiring the calculation of 8 q-points in total. While 
> the number of symmetry-independent q-points is rather low, the individual 
> q-points can contain as many as 101 irreps (558 (q,irrep) calculations in 
> total). While in "normal" phonon dispersion calculations the band structure 
> is solved once for every q, in the distributed phonon dispersion calculations 
> every single (q,irrep) job calculates the band structure before doing the 
> actual phonon calculation (except q=1). So, the band structure is 
> "re-calculated" numerous times in the distributed scheme. The overhead is not 
> negligible: For a single (q,irrep) job at the q-points with the lowest 
> symmetry,  the band structure calculation can typically take ~10 CPU hours of 
> the total execution time of ~60 CPU hours (we are running the jobs in the 
> grid with just one
> For systems like this, it would be really great if we could do something like 
> this:
> 1) Precalculate the band structure for every q (for example, for irrep=1),
> 2) Write the results of the band structure calculation to a file for every q 
> 3) For all other irreps, just read the precalculated band structure from the 
> file.
> We are already using a similar scheme to avoid the re-calculation of the 
> dielectric constant for all q=1 irreps:
> 1) Precalculate the dielectric constant for (q=1,irrep=1)
> 2) Use data-file.1.xml with DIELECTRIC_CONSTANT and EFFECTIVE_CHARGES as the 
> starting point for other q=1 irreps.
> 3) With recover=.true., the re-calculation of the dielectric constant is 
> avoided
> However, we have not been able to devise a similar scheme to avoid the 
> re-calculation of the band structure for q>1. I've been reading the source 
> code but at least based on check_initial_status.f90 it seems that reading the 
> bands is only possible if there is a restart file available (i.e. the 
> calculation has been interrupted).  So, while the built-in logic supports 
> restarting "normal" phonon dispersion calculations, we haven't been able to 
> find out a way to read the band structure into a single (q,irrep) job. 

I thought that this procedure was already working if you copied all the
files produced by ph.x using start_irr=1 and last_irr=1 as a preparatory
run, but there were still some problems. I commited a script in the SVN
version inspired to your suggestion (see GRID_example/run_example_3).
Hopefully you can adapt it to your cases. 



> We would really appreciate any comments or ideas on how to avoid the overhead 
> from the band structure calculations in the above scenario.
> Best wishes,
> Antti Karttunen
Andrea Dal Corso                    Tel. 0039-040-3787428
SISSA, Via Bonomea 265              Fax. 0039-040-3787249
I-34136 Trieste (Italy)             e-mail: dalcorso at

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