Dear all

I have encountered with this error in relaxation of nanotubes.please guide me.

? ?? from c_bands : error #???????? 1
???? too many bands are not converged.

?the file of relax.inp is:
?????????????????????? title = 10.0cnt ,
???????????????? calculation = 'relax' ,
??????????????? restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
????????????????????? outdir = '/home//tmp' ,
????????????????? pseudo_dir = '/home//espresso-4.3.2/pseudo/' ,
????????????????????? prefix = cnt10
?????????????????????? nstep = 1000
?????????????? forc_conv_thr = 1.0d-5
???????????????????? tstress = .true. ,
???????????????????? tprnfor = .true.
?????????????????? verbosity = 'high'
?????????????????????? ibrav = 4,
?????????????????? celldm(1) = 45,
?????????????????? celldm(3) = 0.1788941,
???????????????????????? nat = 40,
??????????????????????? ntyp = 1,
???????????????????? ecutwfc = 50 ,
???????????????? occupations = 'smearing' ,
???????????????????? degauss = 0.05 ,
??????????????????? smearing = 'methfessel-paxton' ,
????????????????????????? conv_thr = 1.0d-12
?????? ion_dynamics='bfgs'
??? C?? 12.01078? C.pz-vbc.UPF 
??? ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom 
C??????? 3.927796042? -0.000000000?? 0.708057193
C??????? 3.735609040?? 1.213758318?? 1.421947256
C??????? 3.177835277?? 2.308778546?? 0.708050258
C??????? 2.308774878?? 3.177668118?? 1.421952069
C??????? 1.213765191?? 3.735351406?? 0.708056121
C?????? -0.000000000?? 3.927607724?? 1.421941004
C?????? -1.213765191?? 3.735351406?? 0.708056121
C?????? -2.308774878?? 3.177668118?? 1.421952069
C?????? -3.177835277?? 2.308778546?? 0.708050258
C?????? -3.735609040?? 1.213758318?? 1.421947256
C?????? -3.927796042?? 0.000000000?? 0.708057193
C?????? -3.735609040? -1.213758318?? 1.421947256
C?????? -3.177835277? -2.308778546?? 0.708050258
C?????? -2.308774878? -3.177668118?? 1.421952069
C?????? -1.213765191? -3.735351406?? 0.708056121
C??????? 0.000000000? -3.927607724?? 1.421941004
C??????? 1.213765191? -3.735351406?? 0.708056121
C??????? 2.308774878? -3.177668118?? 1.421952069
C??????? 3.177835277? -2.308778546?? 0.708050258
C??????? 3.735609040? -1.213758318?? 1.421947256
C??????? 3.735609040? -1.213758318? -1.421947256
C??????? 3.177835277? -2.308778546? -0.708050258
C??????? 2.308774878? -3.177668118? -1.421952069
C??????? 1.213765191? -3.735351406? -0.708056121
C??????? 0.000000000? -3.927607724? -1.421941004
C?????? -1.213765191? -3.735351406? -0.708056121
C?????? -2.308774878? -3.177668118? -1.421952069
C?????? -3.177835277? -2.308778546? -0.708050258
C?????? -3.735609040? -1.213758318? -1.421947256
C?????? -3.927796042?? 0.000000000? -0.708057193
C?????? -3.735609040?? 1.213758318? -1.421947256
C?????? -3.177835277?? 2.308778546? -0.708050258
C?????? -2.308774878?? 3.177668118? -1.421952069
C?????? -1.213765191?? 3.735351406? -0.708056121
C?????? -0.000000000?? 3.927607724? -1.421941004
C??????? 1.213765191?? 3.735351406? -0.708056121
C??????? 2.308774878?? 3.177668118? -1.421952069
C??????? 3.177835277?? 2.308778546? -0.708050258
C??????? 3.735609040?? 1.213758318? -1.421947256
C??????? 3.927796042?? 0.000000000? -0.708057193
K_POINTS automatic 
? 1 1 7?? 1 1 1 
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