
Whenever I try to run some problem some examples gives the error shown
below, i have tried with increased ecutrho and ecutwfc suggested by one of
this forum member and i also saw some old same question but i didn't get
desired answer, i also tried by some linux command like ulimit -u etc, but
didn't get solution can anyone suggest pakka solution,

 /home/metal/Desktop/QE/espresso-4.3.2/examples/example02 : starting

 This example shows how to use pw.x and ph.x to calculate phonon

 frequencies at Gamma and X for Si and C in the diamond structure and

 for fcc-Ni.

executables directory: /home/metal/Desktop/QE/espresso-4.3.2/bin

 pseudo directory: /home/metal/Desktop/QE/espresso-4.3.2/pseudo

 temporary directory: /home/metal/tmp

 checking that needed directories and files exist... done

running pw.x as: /home/metal/Desktop/QE/espresso-4.3.2/bin/pw.x

 running ph.x as: /home/metal/Desktop/QE/espresso-4.3.2/bin/ph.x

cleaning /home/metal/tmp... done

 running the scf calculation for Si...

 Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory

Backtrace for this error:

#0 0xB6B91C8B

#1 0xB6B922DC

#2 0xB77CB3FF

#3 0xB6DC9106

#4 0xB6C96A3B

#5 0xB6C9984B

#6 0xB6C99DB2

#7 0xB6C9984B

#8 0xB6D3BE45

#9 0x81D14F8 in __fft_scalar_MOD_cfft3d at fft_scalar.f90:1353

#10 0x81CEE8F in invfft_x_ at fft_interfaces.f90:154

#11 0x8101105 in atomic_rho_ at atomic_rho.f90:150

#12 0x809258F in potinit_ at potinit.f90:123

#13 0x8060145 in init_run_ at init_run.f90:99

#14 0x804AE54 in pwscf at pwscf.f90:139

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Error condition encountered during test: exit status = 139


Thanks in advance

Anik shrivastava
Senior Research Fellow
Naval Materials Research Lab,DRDO
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