According to the pointview of methods/theories implemented in DFT codes, all of 
the relaxed structures from QE, VASP and CASTEP are definitely reliable.
But, these codes use different pseudo-potentials, which induce slight 
fluctuation to the final structure.
Most important, all the structures should be obtained from the converged 
computational parameters. Otherwise, there is no code being able to provide 
"reliable" structure.


GAO Zhe, Dr.,
Research Engineer, Quartz,
Saint-Gobain Research (Shanghai),
No. 55, Wenjing-road, Minhang-district, Shanghai, China

At 2013-04-30 00:42:32,"???" <18733462676 at> wrote:

dear all
       According to my trying with different software,i found that there is a 
large difference between relaxiation with pwscf and other software(e.g.vasp and 
castep),So i want to know wh ether the relaxiation of pwscf is reliable? And 
can  you provide some suggestions? 

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