On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 18:27 +0530, koushik pal wrote:

> To be specific, If I want to visualize the charge density of a
> particular band ("kband") at any arbitrary k-point in the Brillouin
> zone (e.g at Gamma (0, 0, 0) and Z(0, 0, 0.5)) what "kpoint" (integer)
> values should I specify  in each case in the &inputpp namelist? 

kpoint is the index of k-points as they appear in the output of pw.x


 Paolo Giannozzi, Dept. Chemistry&Physics&Environment, 
 Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
 Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222 

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