Dear Giuseppe,

I will try the HGH pp and will try a higher cutoff.  I'm using quite 
high cutoffs at the moment, but I've not tried the hgh pp yet.  I had a 
go at making a PAW pp using atompaw, but at the moment I'm getting a 
negative dr2 error with that one.  I'll try the hgh one now and report back.

Thank you for your help.

All the best,


> Dear Ben
> I've used the Cr as a dopant in a host matrix, without testing the bulk 
> modulus (btw, are the lattice parameters OK? I suppose you are speaking about
> metal Cr bulk...)
> Only a couple of notes before disbanding the Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF one
> Have you tried to push your cutoffs to very high values? I've had some hard 
> times with a very similar Co Vanderbilt PP, which provided good structural
> results only by using very tight convergence criteria (40/320Ry). This said, 
> very good bulk moduli are not easy to obtain. 25% off may be considered as
> a not terribly bad result for everything but bulk Si... However, in the 
> library there is a (tipically VERY hard) Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter (hgh)
> norm conserving pseudopotential which may provide a good testing candidate 
> (if you can afford the likely 200~250 Ry cutoff on wfc...). You may also try
> with the pslibrary 0.3.0 ones, both US and PAW (you seem not look for NC...) 
> They seem to be quite similar
> US
>   &input
>     title='Cr c',
>     zed=24.0,
>     rel=$nrel,
>     config='[Ar] 3d5.0 4s1 4p0',
>     iswitch=3,
>     dft='$gfun'
>   /
>   &inputp
>     pseudotype=3,
>     file_pseudopw='Cr.$fct-spn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.3.UPF',
>     author='ADC',
>     lloc=-1,
>     rcloc=2.0,
>     which_augfun='PSQ',
>     rmatch_augfun=1.3,
>     nlcc=.true.,
>     new_core_ps=.true.,
>     rcore=0.7,
>     tm=.true.
>   /
> 6
> 3S  1  0  2.00  0.00  1.00  1.50  0.0
> 4S  2  0  1.00  0.00  1.00  1.50  0.0
> 3P  2  1  6.00  0.00  1.40  1.50  0.0
> 4P  3  1  0.00  3.10  0.90  1.70  0.0
> 3D  3  2  5.00  0.00  1.30  1.70  0.0
> 3D  3  2 -2.00  0.30  1.30  1.70  0.0
>   &input
>     title='Cr c',
>     zed=24.0,
>     rel=$nrel,
>     config='[Ar] 3d5.0 4s1 4p0',
>     iswitch=3,
>     dft='$gfun'
>   /
>   &inputp
>     lpaw=.true.,
>     pseudotype=3,
>     file_pseudopw='Cr.$fct-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.3.UPF',
>     author='ADC',
>     lloc=-1,
>     rcloc=2.0,
>     which_augfun='PSQ',
>     rmatch_augfun=1.3,
>     nlcc=.true.,
>     new_core_ps=.true.,
>     rcore=0.7,
>     tm=.true.
>   /
> 6
> 3S  1  0  2.00  0.00  1.00  1.50  0.0
> 4S  2  0  1.00  0.00  1.00  1.50  0.0
> 3P  2  1  6.00  0.00  1.40  1.50  0.0
> 4P  3  1  0.00  3.10  0.90  1.70  0.0
> 3D  3  2  5.00  0.00  1.30  1.70  0.0
> 3D  3  2 -2.00  0.30  1.30  1.70  0.0
> Let us know if they work...
> Yours
> G.
> On Wednesday 05 June 2013 14:44:51 Ben Palmer wrote:
>> Hi Giuseppe,
>> I've tried the Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF but my bulk modulus calculation is off
>> by about 25-50%.  I've tried a calculation with no magnetisation set,
>> nspin=1, and one with a starting magnetisation and nspin=2, but the
>> results are quite similar.
>>                                                   lattice
>> constant/bohr                    bulk modulus/GPa
>> Exp:                                         5.44
>>                                            190
>> No starting magnetisation:   5.37
>>                                                   257
>> With starting magnetism:
>> 5.37                                                  257
>> I might have made a mistake in my input file, but I was hoping for the
>> results to be different.  Would I need to rethink my input or look for a
>> new pp?
>> All the best,
>> Ben
>>> Dear Ben
>>> There is a nice USPP for Chromium in the QE online library. It is
>>> Cr.pbe-sp-van.UPF
>>> <
>>> an.UPF>  and has the 3s and 3p semicore states in valence. I've used it
>>> some time ago, and it is as fine as an ultrasoft PP can be...
>>> HTH
>>> Giuseppe
>>> On Tuesday 04 June 2013 23:44:36 Ben Palmer wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone, I've been trying to make a PP for chromium using atomic.
>>>> I've made one so far, but when testing Delta E is quite far out. I was
>>>> hoping to include some of the core electrons, but I'm not sure how to
>>>> do
>>>> it.
>>>> This is my input script at the moment:
>>>> &input
>>>> title='Cr'
>>>> zed=24.
>>>> iswitch=3,
>>>> nld=10
>>>> rlderiv=2.90,
>>>> eminld=-4.0,
>>>> emaxld=4.0,
>>>> deld=0.01,
>>>> rpwe=2.90,
>>>> rel=1,
>>>> lsmall=.true.,
>>>> dft='PBE',
>>>> verbosity='high',
>>>> file_charge='charge.out',
>>>> config='[Ar] 3d5 4s1 4p0',
>>>> /
>>>> &inputp
>>>> pseudotype=3,
>>>> file_pseudopw='Cr.pbe-sr-uspp-tm.UPF',
>>>> lloc=0,
>>>> nlcc=.true.,
>>>> new_core_ps=.true.,
>>>> tm=.true.,
>>>> rcore=2.0,
>>>> /
>>>> 3
>>>> 3D 3 2 5.00 0.00 1.5 1.5
>>>> 4P 2 1 0.00 0.00 2.5 2.5
>>>> 4S 1 0 1.00 0.00 2.5 2.5
>>>> I also wasn't sure which shell to use for lloc, but varying it hasn't
>>>> made a noticable change to the Delta E on testing.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Ben Palmer Student @ University of Birmingham, UK
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>>> Giuseppe Mattioli
>>> v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
>>> I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
>>> Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
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> ********************************************************
>     Giuseppe Mattioli
>     v. Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
>     I 00015 - Monterotondo Stazione (RM)
>     Tel + 39 06 90672836 - Fax +39 06 90672316
>     E-mail:<giuseppe.mattioli at>
>     ResearcherID: F-6308-2012
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