
Use Xcrysden to generate the q-points.


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Chukwuemeka Okoye <okoyecmi at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Dear Users,
> I need your assistance to enable me  generate the q-points along the path
> for say, a bcc structure,
> for use in calculating the phonon frequencies i.e  in matdyn.in: for
> example along the path
> Gamma - H - P - Gamma - N for bcc or  Gamma - X -  M - Gamma - R  for
> simple cubic
> Thanks.
> C M I Okoye
> =========
> Chukwuemeka M I Okoye
> Department of Physics and Astronomy,
> University of Nigeria,
> Nsukka.
> Enugu State,
> Phone: +234-7038766990
> +234-8053310658
> E-mail: okoyecmi at yahoo.com, cmi.okoye at unn.edu.ng
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With Best Regards,

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
Fulbright Post-Doctoral Scholar
Dept. of Physics
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton
MI 49931, USA
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