On 02/21/2014 09:45 AM, Caloma Trumica wrote:
> Dear all,
> What data are stored in *.igk{n} files? Also, which f90 code controls 
> the output of the igk files.

  \psi_k(r)  = exp(-i r.k) \sum_G u_G exp( -i G.r)
                   = \sum_G u_G exp( -i (G+k).r)

The G vectors are sorted on the FFT grid in a regular order, i.e. in 
unit of reciprocal lattice vectors
G_1 =  (0,0,0)

Note that this set of point form a box with the same shape as the 
reciprocal lattice unit cell (but much larger).

However, the condition on the cutoff  selects a sphere of valid G 
points, such as |G+k|^2 < ecutwfc.

The file igk (one for each k point) contains the list of G vector such 
that |G+k|^2 < ecutwfc, sorted in order of increasing |G+k|

The list is generated by ./PW/src/gk_sort.f90 and written just afterward 
in hinit0.f90 (and in many otehr palces in other codes)



> Thanks a lot.

Dr. Lorenzo Paulatto
IdR @ IMPMC -- CNRS & Universit? Paris 6
+33 (0)1 44 275 084 / skype: paulatz
23-24/4?16 Bo?te courrier 115, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris C?dex 05

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