Dear All,

I got the following error msg when running dynmat.x (ver 5.0.2) on a matdyn 
file to get the eigenvectors/values.

? ? ?Reading Dynamical Matrix from file matdyn

? ? ?Error in routine readmat (1):
? ? ?mismatch in reading file

? ? ?stopping ...

I compared this matdyn file with other matdyn files that i have but found 
nothing structurally different. ?

I wonder if somehow this matdyn file is corrupted and if there is a way to 
recreate this file as i have all the previous "raw" output (i.e., all the 
output files from phcg.x)? ?I have considered to rerun this calculation to get 
a new matdyn but it took 1 month for phcg.x to finish and generate this matdyn 
file for my 150-atom system.

Please help.?


wee liat
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