Dear all, 
i?m trying to make a scf calculation for having the DOS of tetragonal zirconia. 
But it doesn?t reach convergence. Can anyone help me define where i?m making 
Thanks in advance,
Tommaso Francese
C? Foscari University

The code is:

                 calculation = 'scf' ,
                restart_mode = 'from_scratch' ,
                      outdir = '/home/***/QE/espresso-5.0.2/tmp/' ,
                  pseudo_dir = '/home/***/upf_files/' ,
                      prefix = 'tetragonal' ,
                     disk_io = 'default' ,
                       ibrav = 6,
                   celldm(1) = 3.588,
                   celldm(3) = 5.217,
                         nat = 24,
                        ntyp = 2,
                     ecutwfc = 40 ,
                     ecutrho = 160 ,
                        nbnd = 80,
                   input_dft = 'B3LYP' ,
                 occupations = 'tetrahedra' ,
                    smearing = 'marzari-vanderbilt' ,
            exxdiv_treatment = 'gygi-baldereschi' ,
                        nqx1 = 4 ,
                        nqx2 = 4 ,
                        nqx3 = 12 ,
                    conv_thr = 1.D-4 ,
                 mixing_mode = 'plain' ,
                 mixing_beta = 0.7 ,
             diagonalization = 'david' ,
              diago_full_acc = .true. ,
   Zr   91.22400  Zr.pz-mt_fhi.UPF 
    O   15.99900  O.pz-mt_fhi.UPF 
   Zr      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.250000000    
   Zr      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.250000000    
   Zr      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.750000000    
   Zr      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.750000000    
   Zr      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.250000000    
   Zr      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.250000000    
   Zr      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.750000000    
   Zr      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.750000000    
    O      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.060200000    
    O      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.060200000    
    O      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.560200000    
    O      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.560200000    
    O      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.439800000    
    O      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.439800000    
    O      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.939800000    
    O      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.939800000    
    O      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.439800000    
    O      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.439800000    
    O      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.939800000    
    O      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.939800000    
    O      0.250000000    0.750000000    0.060200000    
    O      0.750000000    0.250000000    0.060200000    
    O      0.250000000    0.250000000    0.560200000    
    O      0.750000000    0.750000000    0.560200000    
K_POINTS automatic 
  4 4 12   1 1 1 

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