See point 5.2 of the FAQ,
On the Mac, mathematical libraries are a frequent source of trouble.


On Mon, 2014-07-14 at 22:13 -0500, Anna Kuznetsova wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with running examples in the PHonon folder
> using ./run_all_examples command although the same command works well
> when doing it for PW examples. There must be something special with
> the way ph.x runs...
> I have Mac 10.8.5 and QE 5.0.2, which was installed without any errors
> just with couple warnings. The examples I was running are in its
> PHonon/examples folder.
> I would be grateful to you for your help. May be my installation of QE
> lacks something...
> Thank you
> Please see the beginning of my log below:
> alexey-sorokin:examples admin$ ./run_all_examples
> run_all_examples: starting
> /Applications/Quantum_ESPRESSO/espresso-5.0.2/PHonon/examples/example01 : 
> starting
> This example shows how to use pw.x and ph.x to calculate phonon
> frequencies at Gamma and X for Si and C in the diamond structure and
> for fcc-Ni.
>   executables
> directory: /Applications/Quantum_ESPRESSO/espresso-5.0.2/bin
>   pseudo directory:
>  /Applications/Quantum_ESPRESSO/espresso-5.0.2/pseudo
>   temporary directory:   /Users/admin/tmp
>   checking that needed directories and files exist... done
>   running pw.x as:
>   /Applications/Quantum_ESPRESSO/espresso-5.0.2/bin/pw.x  -nband 1
> -ntg 1 
>   running ph.x as:
>   /Applications/Quantum_ESPRESSO/espresso-5.0.2/bin/ph.x  -nband 1
> -ntg 1 
>   cleaning /Users/admin/tmp... done
>   running the scf calculation for Si... done
>   running the phonon calculation at Gamma for Si...
> Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory
> reference.
> Backtrace for this error:
> #0  0x104991f92
> #1  0x10499275e
> #2  0x7fff8b4e3909
> #3  0x7fff90aabd15
> #4  0x10343a3c4
> #5  0x103486d78
> #6  0x10343b353
> #7  0x103445170
> #8  0x1033edc3e
> #9  0x1033ce55e
> #10  0x1037eeb0e
> example01/run_example: line 140: 16360 Segmentation fault: 11
>  $PH_COMMAND < > si.phG.out
>  done
>   running the phonon calculation at X for Si...
> Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory
> reference.
> Backtrace for this error:
> #0  0x105ad2f92
> #1  0x105ad375e
> #2  0x7fff8b4e3909
> #3  0x7fff90aabd15
> #4  0x1045aba21
> #5  0x104583901
> #6  0x10450d5a6
> #7  0x10492db0e
> example01/run_example: line 156: 16366 Segmentation fault: 11
>  $PH_COMMAND < > si.phX.out
> Error condition encountered during test: exit status = 139
> Aborting
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Anna Kuznetsova
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Anna
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