In general, you cannot, because in presence of spin-orbit coupling the 
spherical harmonics are not eigenstates of the atomic Hamiltonian. Therefore 
the code projects onto spin-angle functions (see PRB 71, 115106), which are 
eigenstates of total angular momentum J=L+S, and of its projections along z.
As you can see from eqs. 3 and 4 of that paper, spin-angle functions of, say, 
j=1/2 and m_j=1/2 contains contributions from both m=0 and m=1, while the one 
with  j=1/2,m_j=-1/2 from both m=0 and m=-1.
The only spin-angle functions that have contributions from a unique spherical 
harmonic are the j=3/2,m_j=3/2 (only m=1 contributions), and the j=3/2,m_j=-3/2 
(only m=-1).



Dear all,

I face with a problem in the pdos calculations. In the absence of spin-orbit 
coupling the for pdos has a form like this "X.pdos_atm#1(Y)_wfc#2(p)" in the 
data file one can find the Pz, Py and Px contribution.
But by inclusion of SOC the I have "X.pdos_atm#1(Y)_wfc#2(p_j0.5)" and 
"X.pdos_atm#1(Y)_wfc#3(p_j1.5)". The first one has 2 column (2*0.5+1) and the 
second one has 4 column (2*1.5+1).
How can I recognize the contribution from different component of P (Px, Py and 


Mohsen Modarresi,
PhD student of Solid State Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
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