Thank you Prof. Giannozzi. I tested running PWscf to calculate the ground state of monoclinic ZrO2 under finite homogeneous electric field using PAW PP. I could not find error messages in the output file to warn against using PAW PP. After the first electronic step, I can see the Berry phase calculations running smoothly.
I'm using the latest version of Q.E. , v.5.1.1. and below is the input file I used. (The PAW PP are from the PSLIB.) Thank you for your help! Mostafa Youssef MIT &CONTROL calculation = 'scf' , verbosity = 'high' , restart_mode = 'from_scratch' , prefix='ZrO2field' , lelfield=.true., nberrycyc=5 outdir='/home/mostafa/scratch' , pseudo_dir = '/home/mostafa/Pseudo' , tstress = .true. , tprnfor= .true. , ! nstep = 200 etot_conv_thr = 1.0D-5 , forc_conv_thr = 1.0D-4 , / &SYSTEM ibrav = 0 , nat = 12 , ntyp = 2 , nbnd = 57 , ecutwfc = 30.0 , ecutrho = 240.0 , occupations = 'fixed', / &ELECTRONS diagonalization='david', mixing_mode = 'plain' , mixing_beta = 0.7, conv_thr = 1.0d-8 , startingwfc='file', efield_cart(1)=0.d0,efield_cart(2)=0.d0,efield_cart(3)=0.001d0 / CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom) 5.189965747 -0.000007006 -0.002141956 -0.000007049 5.238515103 0.000001854 -0.905139810 0.000003114 5.303173936 ATOMIC_SPECIES Zr 91.224 Zr.pbe-spn-kjpaw_psl.0.2.3.upf O 15.9994 O.pbe-n-kjpaw_psl.0.1.upf ATOMIC_POSITIONS (crystal) Zr -0.000557560 0.000094241 -0.000195601 Zr -0.000582096 0.412544098 0.499834659 Zr 0.448111392 0.912556904 0.579763060 Zr 0.448101200 0.500091161 0.079794722 O 0.272545775 0.199845543 0.313995079 O 0.174768376 0.699867447 0.765505431 O 0.788062644 0.131237361 0.640894726 O 0.659267458 0.631148068 0.438855221 O 0.174850646 0.713107769 0.265525640 O 0.788180411 0.281699370 0.140856377 O 0.272465073 0.213166721 0.813976952 O 0.659131481 0.781858917 0.938902935 K_POINTS automatic 4 4 12 1 1 1
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