Dear all,

I have been generating PAW pesudopotential for high Z element "U", but
something goes wrong.

I have no idea about how to set the two parameters "rcut" and "rcutus" for
"7S", "6D" and "5F".

Can anybody give me a little help?
Thanks a lot!

My input file reads:
   title='U q',
   config='[Rn] 7s2.0 6d1.0 5f3.0' ,
   dft='PBE' ,
   which_augfun='BESSEL'     !'PSQ',
!nls nns lls ocs ener         rcut   rcutus    jjs
7S  1  0  2.00      0.000     3.5000     4.5000  0.0
6D  3  2  1.00      0.000     2.5000     3.5000  0.0
5F  4  3  3.00      0.000     1.5000     2.0000  0.0

And part of errors in output is:


 ------------------------ End of All-electron run ------------------------

       Warning: n=1, l=0 expected 0 nodes, found 1
       Setting wfc to zero for this iteration
       (This warning will only be printed once per wavefunction)

       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)

       Warning: n=3, l=2 expected 0 nodes, found 2
       Setting wfc to zero for this iteration
       (This warning will only be printed once per wavefunction)

       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  2 (l=  2, j=0.0)

       Warning: n=4, l=3 expected 0 nodes, found 1
       Setting wfc to zero for this iteration
       (This warning will only be printed once per wavefunction)

       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  3 (l=  3, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  2 (l=  2, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  3 (l=  3, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  2 (l=  2, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  3 (l=  3, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  2 (l=  2, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  3 (l=  3, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  1 (l=  0, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  2 (l=  2, j=0.0)
       Zero norm: self consistency problem; state:  3 (l=  3, j=0.0)

     Error in routine run_pseudo (1):
     Errors in PS-KS equation

     stopping ...
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.


Wenshuai Zhang
Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

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