Dear users,
I calculated phonons at gamma point of a 2*2 supercell of graphene after 
all frequencies are positive.
Now, I need to use q2r.x code to impose ASR on them.
The ph.x generated one matdyn file which I named it as "graph22G.dyn", 
but q2r.x code searches for graph22G.dyn0. I didn't use grid of q-point, so, I 
only have one dyn file.
I also used the trick of the header of q2r.f90 file, with nr1,nr2,nr3, nfile, 
and filin:
nr1=150, nr2=150, nr3=300
but q2r.x, in this case, shows the error of namelist.

I am not sure that the q2r.x can be used for gamma point only, or it is only 
for grid of q-points.
Should I use phcg.x instead of ph.x for gamma point?
Any guide will be appreciated.


David Foster

Ph.D. Student of Chemistry
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