Dear all
I want to follow the example  of the following page titled with " Monatomic Ni 
wire with a spin reversal"
However, I found I could run the example correctly by using only 8 cores. If 
using 16, 32 and 64 cores, the code will stop at 
" ngper, shell number =          804          82
 ngper, n2d =          804         391
---  E-Ef =    2.0000000  k =    0.5000000   0.5000000
---  ie =          1  ik =          1" 

and showed

"forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source      
pwcond.x           00000000025AD7C9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           00000000025AC140  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           000000000255DBC2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           00000000024F15F3  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           00000000024F753B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown    0000003F2280F710  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           00000000004F9B35  scatter_forw_             444  
pwcond.x           00000000004ADD66  do_cond_                  518  do_cond.f90
pwcond.x           00000000004A8B42  MAIN__                     22  condmain.f90
pwcond.x           0000000000498036  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          0000003F2241ED1D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
pwcond.x           0000000000497F29  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown"

So could anyone tell me how can I  fix this error so that I can using more 
cores to excute pwcond.x? I met this problem in both 5.1.2 and 5.2.

Thanks very much for any help.


Pang Rui



庞瑞(PANG Rui)

South University of Science and Technology of China/Department of Physics

No.1088,Xueyuan Road, Shenzhen,Guangdong
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