Dear all,

I'm using quantum espresso to plot the potential for hematite (Fe2O3) surface. 
I tried the 5.1, 5.1.1 and 5.2.0 version of qe. Only the 5.2.0 version can 
produce the final .xsf (as the fileout) result for me to plot the output file 
of potential (as filepp(1)). I used exactly the same input files for all the 
versions in the pw.x and pp.x steps. The message I got from the failed 
calculation output says:


Calling punch_plot, plot_num = 1

Writing data to file Fe2O3.potential

Message from routine chdens:

namelist plot not found or invalid, exiting

POST-PROC : 1.48s CPU 2.28s WALL


This run was terminated on: 3:18:37 4Sep2015




Is the qe-5.2.0 the only version that can plot potential in xsf? Or is there 
anything in the pp.x input that I should change for older versions?

I pasted the pp.x input below.

Thank you,

Xu Huang


prefix = 'Fe2O3'


filplot = 'Fe2O3.potential'

plot_num = 1



nfile = 1

filepp(1) = 'Fe2O3.potential'

weight(1) = 1.0

iflag = 3

output_format = 5

fileout = 'Fe2O3.pp.xsf'

e1(1) =1.0, e1(2)=1.0, e1(3) = 0.0,

e2(1) =0.0, e2(2)=0.0, e2(3) = 1.0,

nx=40, ny=40


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