Hi all,

I'm going to use ultrasoft pseudopotential (USPP) to calculate the x-spectra of 
hematite (Fe2O3). But according to the examples in the package, it seems that 
only gipaw PP can be used to generate the Fe.wfc by upf2plotcore.sh. I went 
through all the Fe USPP on QE website. There is only one gipaw: 
Fe.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF. But it's norm-conserved pseudopotential (NCPP), and it 

    Suggested minimum cutoff for wavefunctions:   120-150 Ry
    Suggested minimum cutoff for charge density:   0. Ry

The min of ecutwfc is too big. Is there any gipaw USPP that I can use to 
calculate the X-ray spectra for Fe2O3?

Thank you,

Xu Huang
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