Dear all,

i want to get LDOS at Fermi level using pp.x, i set iflag to 3 and the
format is suitable for gnuplot (2D).
the file *.LDOS which i get is like this

      0.00000000E+00      0.00000000E+00      0.15776762E-01
      0.00000000E+00      0.58578947E+00      0.17303207E+01
      0.00000000E+00      0.11715789E+01      0.58026963E+00
      0.00000000E+00      0.17573684E+01      0.11058713E+00
      0.00000000E+00      0.23431579E+01      0.45874359E-01

is it organazed as following?
Volume (Bohr3)     energy (Ry)     LDOS

best regards
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