Dear QE community,

I encountered a strange problem with visualization of pw.x output using 
XCrysden. I was visualizing  the final structure after geometry optimization 
using Xcrysden. When the coordinates of atoms shown in Xcrysden in the unit of 
crystal, they are same with those in pw.x output. But after I switched the unit 
from crystal to alat, I found those values are a little different from what 
were written in pw.x output file. I first thought it may be caused by different 
calculation equations they used.  But when I was visualizing the initial 
structure, the coordinates show in the unit of alat in pw.x output is 
completely same as the those in Xcrysden.

I recognized a sentence at the end of pw.x output file before the scf 
calculation of the relaxed structure, "The G-vectors are recalculated for the 
final unit cell. Results may differ from those at the preceding step". I am not 
clear what these words mean here. Perhaps the parameters of unit cell is 
changed in the last scf calculation resulting the discrepancy between pw.x and 

Thanks a lot for your kind help!

Best Regards,

Dr. Yin Li 
Department of Biophysics,Medical School, University of Pecs,
No.12 Szigeti Street, Pecs, H-7624, HUNGARY
Phone: +36-72-535271/36271
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