Dear Andrey,

You seem to run a super-cell, ie many cells along the 2D plane: Thus your band structure gets folded into the small Brillouin zone, and it is difficult to find the bands ("Dirac point") as-is. There are references now in the literature for un-folding the band structure, I know of one tool for doing this (Jonas Björk et co,, or you try figuring out the back-folding by first thinking how the Brillouin zones of the (1x1) cell and your super-cell would fit and then following the bands in your calculation.

    Greetings from Sunny Montrouge,


  Ari Paavo Seitsonen / /
  Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Département de Chimie, Paris
  Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25    (CH) : +41 79 71 90 935

On Fri, 15 Jan 2016, Andrey Chibisov wrote:

Dear Colleagues.
I study silicene. My input file is:

calculation ='scf',
pseudo_dir = '/Silicene/Espresso',
outdir = '/Silicene/Espresso/temp',
ibrav = 4,
celldm(1) = 29.368422675588050347010890147159,
celldm(3) = 0.6781823680434460881147409128054,
nat = 32,
ntyp = 1,
ecutwfc = 36,
occupations = 'smearing',
smearing = 'gauss',
degauss = 0.02,
nspin = 2, starting_magnetization(1) = 0.4,
nbnd =135,
conv_thr = 1.D-9,
mixing_beta = 0.3,
ion_dynamics = 'bfgs',
cell_dynamics = 'bfgs',
cell_dofree = 'xy',
Si 28.0855 Si.UPF
Si 0.00137    0.00177    1.00011
Si 0.08390    0.16877    0.95815
Si 0.25137    0.00177    1.00011
Si 0.33390    0.16877    0.95815
Si 0.50137    0.00177    1.00011
Si 0.58390    0.16877    0.95815
Si 0.75137    0.00177    1.00011
Si 0.83390    0.16877    0.95815
Si 0.00137    0.25177    1.00011
Si 0.08390    0.41877    0.95815
Si 0.25137    0.25177    1.00011
Si 0.33390    0.41877    0.95815
Si 0.50137    0.25177    1.00011
Si 0.58390    0.41877    0.95815
Si 0.75137    0.25177    1.00011
Si 0.83390    0.41877    0.95815
Si 0.00137    0.50177    1.00011
Si 0.08390    0.66877    0.95815
Si 0.25137    0.50177    1.00011
Si 0.33390    0.66877    0.95815
Si 0.50137    0.50177    1.00011
Si 0.58390    0.66877    0.95815
Si 0.75137    0.50177    1.00011
Si 0.83390    0.66877    0.95815
Si 0.00137    0.75177    1.00011
Si 0.08390    0.91877    0.95815
Si 0.25137    0.75177    1.00011
Si 0.33390    0.91877    0.95815
Si 0.50137    0.75177    1.00011
Si 0.58390    0.91877    0.95815
Si 0.75137    0.75177    1.00011
Si 0.83390    0.91877    0.95815
K_POINTS automatic
8 8 1 0 0 0

How I can find the K-point on the band structure?

Best regards,
Andrey Chibisov. Ph.D.
Numerical method of mathematical physics Laboratory,
Computational Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Khabarovsk, Russia
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