Dear Chi-Ta,

The cartesian coordinates in the Bader output file in Bohr and not
Angstrom, and they do match the coordinates in your file,
The first three:


0.252079033*alat = 2.714751 (x)
0.141015163*alat = 1.518655 (y)
0.817121712*alat = 8.799945 (z)

However these coordinates do not match those in your input file (i.e.
the first coordinate would be 0.247414 in alat units) why that is I
don't know, perhaps check how the scf.out read the coordinates (or if it
is a relax run check the final set of coordinates).

Hope this helps,

Best regards,

Matic Poberznik
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

On 02/10/2016 06:35 PM, Yang, Chi-Ta wrote:
> Dear Giuseppe, 
> I tried to check the new cartesian coordinates with xcrysden, but could not 
> open and gave me error message  - Error: wrong # args: should 
> be"pwInputPreset file".  I checked the structure with xyz file ,and found 
> that the structure with new coordinates expands. The distances between atoms 
> are almost twice longer than the original ones.  I am not sure if bader 
> charge is reasonable upon this.
> Please see below the first 5 coordinates of my system from original to 
> final bader ACF file.
> Thanks,
> Chi-Ta
> UI   
> CELL_PARAMETERS {angstrom}
>   5.698943615   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
>  -4.2742077111  7.4031449178   0.0000000000  
>   0.0000000000  0.0000000000   32.000000000
> Li     1.409999974         0.814063944         4.686666946
> Li    -0.000000069         1.628127888         9.373333892
> Li    -0.000000011         3.256255557         4.686666946
> Li    -1.409999949         4.070319174         9.373333892
> Li    -1.410000059         5.698447280         4.686666946
>   fileplot
>       75     120     432      75     120     432      66       5
>      0       10.76944268      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      
> 0.00000000      0.00000000
>    1.00000000000000       0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
>  -0.749999999973679        1.29903810564372       0.000000000000000E+000
>   0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000   5.61507573364542     
>      1410.1585948767       12.0000000000       40.0000000000     0
>    1   Li    3.00
>    2   Ni   10.00
>    3   Mn   15.00
>    4   Co    9.00
>    5   O     6.00
>    1       0.252079033    0.141015163    0.817121712    1
>    2       0.005082174    0.280355405    1.656190248    1
>    3       0.006369515    0.579747049    0.813824987    1
>    4      -0.249162597    0.719321092    1.657458257    1
>    5      -0.247504790    1.007537235    0.811527088    1
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cube
>  Cubfile created from PWScf calculation
>   Total SCF Density
>    66    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
>    75    0.143593    0.000000    0.000000
>   120   -0.067309    0.116583    0.000000
>   432    0.000000    0.000000    0.139980
>     3    3.000000    2.714751    1.518655    8.799945
>     3    3.000000    0.054732    3.019271   17.836246
>     3    3.000000    0.068596    6.243553    8.764442
>     3    3.000000   -2.683342    7.746687   17.849902
>     3    3.000000   -2.665489   10.850615    8.739694
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bader
>   #         X           Y           Z        CHARGE     MIN DIST    ATOMIC VOL
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     1   2.7147510   1.5186550   8.7999450   2.0988754   1.2593539  20.4268562
>     2   0.0547320   3.0192710  17.8362460   2.1011053   1.2504756  20.1011325
>     3   0.0685960   6.2435530   8.7644420   2.0990261   1.2389623  20.4596629
>     4  -2.6833420   7.7466870  17.8499020   2.1025553   1.2311932  19.5598220
>     5  -2.6654890  10.8506150   8.7396940   2.0998684   1.2281964  20.4315428
> ________________________________________
> From: <> on behalf of 
> Giuseppe Mattioli <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 9:01 AM
> To: PWSCF Forum
> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Charge analysis in QE
> Dear Chi-Ta
>> ".cube" shows a new set of cartesian coordinates based on fileout,
>> which is different from my original cartesian coordinates.
> Check whether the refolding of coordinates into your supercell
> possibly made by pw.x or pp.x yielded a different but equivalent set
> of cartesian coordinates.
>>  Is it normal to have a new set of cartesian coordinates? In this
>> case, will it affect bader charge?
> It is in cube files, and no, it does not affect the results of Bader analysis.
> Giuseppe
> Quoting "Yang, Chi-Ta" <>:
>> Dear Giuseppe,
>> Thanks for your replay. I tried bader charge analysis, but have a
>> concern about it.
>> I used cartesian coordinates in my pw.x input file. I noticed that
>> the coordinate systems in the output files of pp.x (fileout and.cube
>> ) are different.
>> "fileout" shows crystal coordinates
>> ".cube" shows a new set of cartesian coordinates based on fileout,
>> which is different from my original cartesian coordinates.
>>  Is it normal to have a new set of cartesian coordinates? In this
>> case, will it affect bader charge?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Chi-Ta Yang
>> University of Iowa
>> ________________________________________
>> From: <> on
>> behalf of Giuseppe Mattioli <>
>> Sent: Monday, February 8, 2016 9:50 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] Charge analysis in QE
>> Dear Chi-Ta Yang
>>> For the charge analysis in QE, is it fine to use the charge values
>>> from the .out files?
>> No, it is a fast on-the-fly calculation. You can post-process your
>> results a) with projwfc.x to obtain Lowdin charges or b) with pp.x
>> to export the
>> total charge density as a .cube file and then with an external tool
>> you find here ( to
>> calculate the
>> Bader charges from the cube files. Better results are obtained by
>> using denser FFT grids than default ones and by using NC or PAW PPs
>> in the case of
>> the Bader tool.
>> HTH
>> Giuseppe
>> On Monday, February 08, 2016 03:26:32 PM Yang, Chi-Ta wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> For the charge analysis in QE, is it fine to use the charge values
>>> from the .out files? (below)
>>> If yes, do you recommend to use high K point for a better quality
>>> of these values or other recommendations? What kind of charge is
>>> this (ex:
>>> bader...) ?
>>> Magnetic moment per site:
>>>      atom:    1    charge:    2.1845    magn:    0.1742    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    2    charge:    2.1716    magn:    0.1740    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    3    charge:    2.1820    magn:    0.1742    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    4    charge:    2.1826    magn:    0.1743    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    5    charge:    2.1711    magn:    0.1739    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    6    charge:    2.1841    magn:    0.1741    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    7    charge:    7.3535    magn:    1.9625    constr:    0.0000
>>>      atom:    8    charge:    7.3507    magn:    2.0039    constr:    0.0000
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Chi-Ta Yang
>>> University of Iowa
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>     Giuseppe Mattioli
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