Dear Pranay Biswas

Version 4.1.2 is outdated since six or seven years. I'm not even going to try 
to understand your problem if you use such an old version of the code.

On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 04:25:42 PM pranay biswas wrote:
> dear quantum espresso users,
> I'm new in this world.please help me
> I'm trying to produce ultra soft pseudo potential for Titanium using QE
> 4.1.2.
> given input is
>  &input
> title='Ti',
> zed=22,
> rel=0,
> beta=0.5,
> rlderiv=2.4,
> eminld=-4.0,
> emaxld=4.0,
> deld=0.02d0,
> nld=3,
> config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 ',
> iswitch=3,
> dft='PBE',
> /
>  &inputp
> pseudotype=3,
> lloc=0,
> rcloc=2.90,
> file_pseudopw='Ti.pbe.nrUS',
> /
> 6
> 3D  3  2  1.00  0.00  2.00  2.60
> 3D  3  2  0.00  0.05  2.00  2.60
> 3D  3  2  1.00  0.00  2.00  2.60
> 3D  3  2  0.00 -0.00  2.00  2.60
> 4S  1  0  2.00  0.00  2.20  2.90
> 4S  1  0  0.00 -0.00  2.20  2.90
> and when run the error appear as follow
>      Program LD1       v.4.1.2  starts ...
>      Today is 17May2016 at 15:38:57
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      from ld1_readin : error #         1
>      only one local channel
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>      stopping ...
> how can I recover this problem. anybody help ,thanks by advanced...

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