This is Sayan. I am new to Quantum espresso.
I want to calculate DOS structure for a magnetic system and need to use the
starting_magnetization parameter.
I am confused since I read it can be calculated for individual atom in the
system by applying the following formula,
(NVU - NVD)/(NVU+NVD) (NVD and NVU are the number of no. of valance
electron in up and down state).
and it should be within -1 to +1.
Now applying the formula how can possibly it be -ve?
And also in some tutorial I have seen that for Silicon the value of the
parameter has been used as 0.7, which should be 0.5 if I follow the
It will very helpful if somebody can tell me what is the exact procedure to
calculate the same.
Thanks in advance.

Sayan Chaudhuri
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